Dreams, what are they?
Some may say
Dreamers must dream on as long as the nightmare wakes them up to greet with a bucketful of reality
What I would say is
When a dream is fulfilled, it is always a glorious feeling.
What would your view be?

Since this is my 1st Blog, would like to introduce myself.
This is Sushmita a Dreamer, so when I decided to use blog as a central marketing tool for my business in my first blog I wanted to introduce myself as well as write about a topic which I could start off with.
You might be thinking why start with Dreams?
It’s Simple
I'm a Dreamer, but I'm not the only one.

We all have some dreams we want to accomplish, those are the Dreams we see with our Eyes wide open.
The precise word would be the Goals we plan for us.
Some may want to travel some might want luxurious lifestyle it differs for all.
What are your Dreams? Would some like to share them?
If yes I would love to know and that would be great.
But if it’s a no either you are among the non-shares or very secretive in nature.
When I completed my Engineering like all, I too had a dream. I wanted to start my own a Business. It’s been 06 years since I choose the path and still have a long way to go ahead.

Never let go off your dreams no matter how small or how big they are. We all see ups & downs I have seen them too. Starting up is not easy you need passion to drive you through the tough & good times.
Taking action is what sets the dreamers apart from the wishers.
Many roads leads to different directions but one destination, it depends not on who travels the roads with whom.
Keep dreaming and planning its execution to reality.
We too as prosperity Consultants look ahead to plan and manage your finances, to help you set up and market you’re established or a startup business.
Finances these days form a key for all of our dream accomplishment
How about you?
Do you agree with the statement I just made above?
Have you sat down and thought about your dreams and planned towards their accomplishment?
What are your dreams? Has any of your dream you fulfilled?
Looking forward to receive replies or comments from dreamers like me.
I am planning to write more and work ahead in accomplishing the goals we set long or short term they may be.
Keep dreaming and stay positive.