The door that opens opportunities!
What did instantly click in your mind once you read the title above?
There might be many doors which open opportunities.
The door about which I'm going to write today is Websites

Theoretically a website is just ‘a set of pages of information on the internet about a particular subject, published by a single person or organization.’
In that case we can receive detailed information about a particular topic in Books as well.
Do we search and look for books each time we need any specific or particular information?
Gone are those days when kids used to spend time reading Encyclopedia. Now what we refer is called Wikipedia.
Even when it comes to our day to day activities we prefer using the Internet.
Let me ask you a simple question
If you want to buy movie tickets where will you check?
The answer by my fellow Indians will be using, while those located in United States would go for options like or
Before what was used for the same purpose was the Newspaper
Today people from all backgrounds and from all age groups use the internet i.e. the World Wide Web to answer any queries or questions they have.
The internet has caused a total shift in the way every one reach for the information they need.
Jack White says
‘Nowadays, everybody assumes, when they wake up in the morning, if they have a question, it will get answered. Because they have Internet. No matter what the question is, someone will answer their question.’

You might be an Individual or an Entrepreneur or you might have your own Business.
If you have your own website it offers an opportunity to the people to find you & introduce yourself or your Business on the major search engines.
This opportunity helps one to exhibit their work and themselves nationwide or even worldwide. Otherwise the geographical limitations affect this wide exposure.
The image below shows the summary of the growing global popularity of use of digital devices using data from global web index.

The image clearly shows the rise in popularity of smartphone ownership and the emerging mobile devices like the smart watches.
A website can be much about customer service since for companies it is about increasing the exposure of their products or services, while for individuals it is about showcasing their creativity or individuality.
Just like when we paint on a canvas the individual colors make up the art and let it speak. Same way the websites are the work of art who help us find what we are looking for.
Today it can be easily said that if you have a business & you don’t have a website you are losing out on great opportunities to take your business ahead. Having a website generates not only larger audience, it helps your audience connect and interact with you. You may not realize but the showcasing of your partners, investors or sharing your company information shows how much serious you are regarding your work.
When coming to individuals they may be job seekers or freelancers, but their own personal website helps them showcase their own Brand. You never know who may come across your work and you may land working on your dream project or dream job.
There are many examples of people who have been headhunted for jobs because of their website – it is becoming increasingly common. The exciting thing about having this type of online base is you never know who is going to be reading your content.
We all agree showing up is half the battle.
Websites can be said to be today’s days Business Cards. Where our visitors within few seconds take the decision if they like it or not.

The response you receive for your website helps you understand your audience as well. Having your own website is a learning experience on its own. Based on your skill set and the audience response you build yourself and explore yourself.
While surfing I came across Bowen Craggs & Co which is a unique research and consultancy group located in London. Their sole focus is online corporate communications - websites, social media and social channels.
They have since the year 2007 ranked the effectiveness of the website of large corporations around the world.
In their list of world’s best websites for the year 2016, Nestle grabs the Uno position reason being their strong focus on dialogue & openness. This provides Nestle the best corporate online presence in the moment.
They say “Nestlé uses its website, it uses social media, it makes its arguments and that’s really its main job – as a reputation management tool,” says Bowen. “That’s why Nestlé has to put so much effort into this particular form of communication—it’s a way of defending its reputation.”
Same way you should have a personal website—whether it’s to build your personal brand, serve as an online resume, help you score new clients, or publicly archive your work.
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